Personal development 4

Steps to Wisdom

Mental awareness and calm

Observing feelings, thoughts, symtoms from the body and signals from the outside world as from a distance and be aware of all this in the moment will bring clarity and mental calm.

A conscious tranquil breathing will help this process.

Creating a sense of distance to emotions and thoughts which bother the mind makes it further possible to reach mental peace. 

Various practices like relaxation, meditation and Mental Training will be of use.

Increased harmony

Every person creates her own view of the world. Dangers and threats which I perceive will influence my own style in handling different situations. And this will also influence my view on my fellow humans .

Strong defence and survival reflexes make it difficult to create a mutual satisfactory communication with others. This creates stress in relations and makes it more difficult to solve problems.

Therefore it is important to dare facing oneself and let fight and flight reflexes go in favor of a more mature way in relating to my fellow humans.

I am alone

in a world which only I can perceive and only can understand in accordance to my postulations. If I want to understand and accept a greater world where both suffering and joy exist, I have to learn something about the context and inter-actions which constitute the basis of existence.


with insecurity and pain, unavoidable conditons of life, offers in the long run a life with less stressors and less stress.

Leaving that which does not function anymore without bitterness and walk on is equally important.

Whishing for more harmony

calls for an ever more conscious attitude to life and living.
