
The power of our motivation for conscious actions depends on what we think about ourselves, about our value, our abilities, and about the goals we want to achieve. When we  actively want to reach a certain goal, we often make mistakes. We avoid to find out the actual strength of our own self-image at the moment and we do not put enough energy into understanding our own most important inner goals. In a pressing long-term situation this often goes awry because we do not have so very much faith in ourselves and our abilities and we also aim for goals which are not our own but set by others. What this means for our mental stress level and its effects on body and emotions can be easily calculated. And this, in turn, has of course a decisive impact on our ability to achieve the goals.

We humans have a highly developed awareness. This allows us to influence ourselves and our own life with help of our own will. But without a strong motivating force which loads the will, this is difficult. Therefore, in order to achieve a workable momentum forward, there is a need for interaction between:

1) What we believe in. Thus, our perceptions and inner images.

2) Our emotions.

3) Our will

The driving force of motivation weakens if we do not believe that we can achieve our goals or are not worthy of achieving them. In order to be as strongly motivated as possible we must therefore develop and strengthen all positive emotions and ideas which have to do with our innermost life goals, our desire for fulfillment. This is the formula:

                                                        See your human value!

                                                        Believe in your ability!

                                                        See the goal of your longing!

                                                        Direct your will towards it!

That’s how you get a strong motivating power. It is not wrong to use common sense along the way.