Mental training

Mental strength, motivation and will

In order to fly

the shell must be split

and the tender body

be bared.

In order to fly

one must climb

to the highest point

of the straw

even if it bends

and vertigo will come.

In order to fly

courage must be

somewhat stronger

than fear

and a favourable wind

must prevail.

Margareta Ekström:

Instruction for beetles


calls for humility and courage but gives mental strength!



It is as it is

since that’s what is was

so it gets as it gets

My interpretation of life

will affect my mental climate!

Believe in yourself!

Don’t compare yourself with others!

But –

I am not always a victim

for this world I see

The past

is gone

The present

also contains bright moments

The future

is not yet known

Active healthy people

remember their successes better than their failures,

believe that their ability is bigger than it really is,

see the future in a different way and expect a lower risc to suffer adversity and discomfort than others,

have positive expectations,

are able to control thoughts and emo-tions so that they can move on,


This requires sometimes a proper dose of ”unrealistic” outlook on life.

                                                    Ornstein - Sobel

Surely you also can fly?

Dragon: Handicraft by Anita Karlsson & Anna Daniels, Leksand


   often have a complex personality whose

   main features are the union of opposites:

Both serious and playful

Both tough and soft

Both logical och intuitive

Both hardworking and comfortable

Both aggressive and shy

Both extrovert and introvert


My outer frame

My inner identity

My inner identity

is that which is important for my innermost personality to stand up for.

My outer frame 

are those thought concepts and ideologies which I choose to believe in and act on.

External strength

A diffuse inner identity requires a fixed external framwork to experience security.

If the external framwork is my security, opinions and actions outside my own framwork will be perceived as a threat which creates anxiety and fear. This often leads to confrontation with others.

Internal insecurity

Internal security

Internal strength

A solid inner identity allows openness to the outside.

A permeable frame provides greater opportunities for simultaneous experi-ence of openness and security with others. It becomes easier to accept other peoples views on life without suffering from anxiety and fear.

What you believe you are doing for the world is not as important as what you are doing to yourself.

What you give to yourself you will also give to others.

Mental balance

bestows inner strength and self-worth.

It breeds self-respekt and integrity in dealing with others and increases the possibility of moving forward.

But –

without motivation and willpower

I will not go anywhere ! !




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Good self-esteem


My own goals

– – – – –

Strong motivation

Poor self-esteem


The goals of others

– – – – –

Poor motivation


is a by-product of motivation and willpower.

Own goals provide motivation.

Motivation provides willpower.

Willpower gives courage to act.

Action gives self-confidence.

Self-confidence gives a good self-esteem.

A good self-esteem strengthens motivation and will.

Now there is still something missing