
Increasing our mental energy is important when we want to leave a troublesome and stressful life condition. Equally important is to reduce the loss of energy. But it can take a lot of our mental energy to actively deal with what we fear. In most cases it is therefor not very wise to address strong mental threats directly. First we need to gain strength and feel that an inner improvement is on the way. A crisis always causes high internal stress levels which cause large energy losses. These can in the beginning seldom be counteracted only by searching for more positive everyday moments. Something else is initially needed for the stress levels to drop. If the level of stress does not decrease we will not be able to distance ourselves from a pressing situation and look more clearly at stressors and stress-enhancing feedback mechanisms that have been set in motion. If this is the case  then the best way to lower high internal stress is to relax regularly. This is for most people not difficult to learn, it does not require any special resources and it is effective once you have learned the technique. Relaxation training is therefore one of the very first things you do when you want to reduce high internal stress.

In everyday language, the term ”relaxation” can mean a lot. But, strictly speaking, the word only refers to different levels of internal tension. A slight reduction of the internal tension is the mildest degree of relaxation. This implies that increased muscular and mental tension is lowered to normal levels in the activities of everyday life.

Deep relaxation is the next step. Here we go further and try to lower inner tension so much that we at best reach an almost unrestrained state. This requires that we manage to leave our daily activities for a while and take a resting position. We can sit or lie down. The important thing here is that the body is comfortable and that breathing is free.

The state of relaxation is a different kind of consciousness compared with the waking state, being asleep or dreaming. These states can be distinguished from each other by measuring the rhythmic electrical activity of the brain. When we are fully awake, the brain emits approximately 20 electrical impulses per second. In deep relaxation, the rhythm goes down to a frequency of about 10 impulses per second which is called the alpha rhythm. This state of relaxation is therefore also called the alpha stage. Often, when we fall asleep normally or wake up at our own pace, we pass that stage. We float inside ourselves, feeling calm and comfortable, no emotional movements can be felt, thoughts float freely and we do not get caught up in mental problems and difficulties.

The ability to relax is necessary to disconnect emotionally triggered mental images and thoughts that create increased tension of body and mind. Here the concept of mental dissociation comes in. The purpose of mental dissociation is to exclude disturbing thoughts, feelings and body signals that block a transition to mental rest and relaxation. When we reach the alpha stage these influences are automatically disconnected.

Concentration is seen as a basic condition for mental disconnection and vice versa. Being concentrated means two things. The first one is to focus steadily on thoughts, feelings or things that you want to have in mind. The second one is to keep away everything else that can disturb this. Everyone knows that it can be difficult to concentrate in this world where signals from our surroundings are constantly focusing on us. We are poorly protected from the harmful effects of this storm of sensory impressions. We need to filter them to some degree and concentrate on what we ourselves want to experience, or have to do, in our everyday life. So, the ability to concentrate is actually a precious thing in an evermore stressful environment. But this ability will increase quite spontaneously with regular relaxation training. Both as a result of the training itself but also as a side effect of the decreasing internal stress.

Being in the alpha stage regularly, preferably every day, has a healing effect on body and mind. The harmful effects of stress are reduced. Peripheral blood vessels open up which provides better blood flow to the body tissues. Oxygenation is thus improved. The autonomous nervous system also changes its behaviour from readiness for fight and flight to functions which improve the capability of body cells to load supplies and get rid of slag products, as well as the ability to recover and heal. In a somewhat longer perspective, other important autonomic systems are also normalised in the alpha state. For example, the hormonal system and the immune system which otherwise are harmed if high internal stress levels are allowed to ravage for too long. The positive effect on our health and wellbeing of a regular use of the alpha stage can not be overlooked. It is probably very large.

Relaxation training in practice.

In order to succeed in learning to relax regularity is required. One should do this exercise at least twice a day for several weeks. One lies down, or sits comfortably, closing eyes, breathing regularly calmly and deeply, and in this way sink deeply into oneself. Twenty minutes is an appropriate time for each workout. The training is often easier at the beginning if one uses recorded instructions.

Many who really try to relax find that they do not succeed in reaching the alpha stage. In most cases this is depending on two things, lack of regularity and lack of patience. One usually doe's not get results without exercising at least twice a day in the beginning. But most people who exercise regularly for a few weeks do succeed in reaching the alpha state. Over time less and less active discipline and willpower are required because of the wonderful feeling which these moments of rest give.

For many of us it is at first not very easy to lie still. The body sends its signals to the brain and elevated stress levels create restlessness and anxiety. One can then be tempted to try to force oneself into a relaxed state. This never works. You just become more awake and impatient which prevents you from slipping into rest. Impatience means in this case that you constantly think about the fact that you do not manage to relax, even though you have decided to do so. The best way not to get stuck in this trap is to keep a certain distance from what is happening in the mind. So it is wise not to set an absolute goal. The only decision you have to make is to rest a couple of times each day using your relaxation program. No other obligations. You just decide to lie down, or sit comfortably, with no other goal than to close your eyes and listen to the instruction program or to soft music. In this way there is less risk that the brain attaches itself to thoughts which can activate body and mind.

Regularity in relaxation training forces the brain to learn what we want it to do. It will remember how we want body and mind to react in order to reach the alpha stage. If we arrange our training in the same way every time, and follow the same instructions, the physiological and mental processes then become increasingly automatic. We can even imprint a small starter program, a ”trigger”, which automatically starts events in body and mind that lead to the alpha stage. This can be something as simple as clenching your left hand, inhaling deeply, holding your breath and then exhale while relaxing your arm and body  (Lars-Eric Uneståhl). Always choosing the same place for rest, always making it to a small ritual, always playing the same soothing music when you relax, all this can also become a trigger.

Relaxation thus aims at lowering muscle tension and reducing mental tension. With exercise, one can learn to relax mentally without becoming drowsy or losing normal muscle tension. It is of course not always desirable to have a relaxed body when you only need to be calm and focused. In sports you need peace of mind and clarity but hardly relaxed muscles.

At the beginning of our training it works best if we start by concentrating mainly on body relaxation for at least two weeks. Once we have learned to relax the body, we can start to focus on inner peace and tranquility. Then we also can turn to mental images we want to change. In order to maintain and deepen automatic relaxation functions it may eventually be wise to re-train body relaxation.

Regular stay in the alpha stage gives greater self-insight. Imperceptibly we will manage to encounter sorrows and fears that are hidden in the depths of the mind. The fact that they are hidden away there will of course serve as a protection for us, but that does not completely stop them from acting as stressors which may affect our thoughts, emotional life, body function and actions.