
The mental image we have of ourselves and of the world around us will affect our expectations prior to an achievement which, in its turn, will influence the actual prestation. This may have considerable consequences for an individuals self-confidence. Knowledge of this provides a key to conscious personal development and increased strength in the ability to act. If we care to work on positive mental images regarding our own human dignity and our ability to solve problems, and at the same time try to see less satisfactory results of our efforts otherwise than failure, we also will create less fearful inner images prior to our next effort. This will influence further efforts in a positive way and strengthen positive mental images. Thus we create a positive feed-back loop which eventually gives us a better self-image and a stronger self-confidence. The result of this will usually be more satisfactory achievements. And so we consciously create positive self-fullfilling prophecies.

A well known method to lower inner tension and get some distance to present problems by programming oneself with positive images is Mental Training. The goal with this training is of course to strenghten the ability to act in challenging situations. At the same time one should not forget that it is equally important to adjust desired achievements in relation to actual ability, if possible. This demands a gentle start in building new expectations of the future. To confide only in positive thinking does not help. No mental training of any kind can bring a person to experience a major collapse of intentions as positive.

Developing self-confidence is something that many of us would need. It is possible to achieve more of this inner security in states of deep relaxation where we imagine those situations we fear and mentally live through them in a positive way. This technique is called Visualisation. The memory of a fearful situation will here be associated with feelings of calm and security. If often repeated during a period of time we will be in a better mental state when we actually need to tackle a situation which we fear. The technique will then have a positive effect on our performance, which again will strengthen our self-confidence and keep a positve feed-back circle going.

Concentrate on what you are for

and not on what you are against.

Your inner images will guide

your thoughts, your feelings,

your body and your actions.

What you fight against

will be fortified in your mind.