About this website
We are living in times when more and more individuals in western style communities are subjected to an ever greater load of daily stress, both in work and in general life. The result of this is an increased incidence of stressrelated symptoms and disease, which of course will affect public health too.
In several western countries farm animals are protected by law from harmful stress, probably because of concern for milk production and meat quality. Concern for the welfare of human beings should of course be on a very much higher level. But it seems that there is still no general acceptance of the fact that human beings do not differ in any significant way from cows and pigs when it comes to ancient genetic stress reactions. Human sensitivity for stress, and its fysiological reactions, may be even more pronounced than in other animals because of the much more developed human ability to generate mental stress, even when actual stressors in the outer world are low or nonexisting. It would seem that leaders in politics and business, among others, until now not have been aware of this in spite of decades of growing scientific knowledge about human stress. May be because of lack of knowledge or lack of interest. Regardless of this it would still seem to be as important to protect human beings from harmfull stressors in work and society as to protect farm animals from their kind of stressors. If not for other reasons then so on ethical och moral grounds. But it is also well known that most humans who are not obliged to work under harmful stress are producing more on their jobs and getting better results in their profession. Exactly the same effect as the milk production of cows.
For many years I have tried to help those who were seriously affected by high and prolonged physical and mental stress. That’s why I feel that it is important to pass on to others what I have learned about human stress and its consequences and, equally important, how to cope with everyday stressors. Internet offers a modern way to present some of this material.
I wish to point out that this website is not aimed at the scientific or academic world. Its purpose is to offer some knowledge and help for those who are experiencing prolonged stress but do not know so very much about the function of stress and its negative consequences. Hopefully this will for them result in better coping with stress and thereby improve their life experience.
Eberhard Berg